Admission Officers & Student Ambassadors

  • Derek Adams
  • John Bowman
  • Gene McDonnell
  • Gene McDonnell
  • Elizabeth Snyder
  • Tom Storrison
  • Gene McDonnell
  • Gene McDonnell
  • Amie Brown
  • Jermaine Thomas
  • Barbara Shafer
  • Eugene Augustine
  • Heather Ginsberg
  • Vanessa Nepomuceno
  • Jennifer Ritorto
  • Elizabeth Snyder
  • TomStorrison
  • Elizabeth Snyder
  • Raquel Paz
  • Heather Gray
  • Ivette Noto

Keiser University Flagship
Campus Life

The Flagship Campus offers an active campus life that includes a 100-acre site just minutes from the beach, beautiful golf courses, and a city bustling with culture and entertainment!

Here, your college experience can extend far beyond the classroom.

Keiser University Flagship Campus Life

Meet Your Seahawks Student Ambassadors

Our Student Ambassadors Are Seahawks Supporting Seahawk Nation. Connect With a Seahawk Today!

Roudaina Al KadiStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Beirut, Lebanon
Class: Class Graduate School Class of 2026

"I chose Keiser because It is nice to meet students from all over the world."

Fun Fact - I don't drink water, only Pepsi

Georgia Little Student Ambassador

Hometown: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Class: Class of 2026
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree Interdisciplinary Studies: Exercise and Sport Science

“ I have really enjoyed my first year here, I have created lots of memories and friendships all ready" Fun fact: I have torn both of my ACLs

Aja WilliamsStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Daytona Beach, Florida
Class: Graduate School Class of 2027
Degree: Bachelors in Psychology-Clinical Concentration

“"Don't choose to be unintelligent for popularity, rather than choosing to be brillant for legacy."

Fun Fact - I play multiple instruments.

Madalena PenedaStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal
Class: Graduate School Class of 2026

“I graduated from KU with a bachelors degree in Integrated Marketing & Communications and did my internship with enrollment management. "

Fun Fact - I Play and Coach Tennis

Lea Sophie FriesonStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Karlsruhe, Germany
Class: Graduate School Class of 2025

"I chose Keiser due to the location and the weather. I love how close the beach is and I highly value the friendships I have made here. Advice that I would give to a student in the business program is, do not be shy to ask your professors for help or feedback, everyone is very kind and you will be able to built long-lasting relationships that will help you in your future career"

Fun Fact - I speak four languages German, English, Russian, French

Danai Sofoulis Student Ambassador

Hometown: Athens, Greece
Class: Class of 2025
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science

“As a member of the Women's Swim Team, I like to help people exceed their limits and build a sports family throughout these 4 years. This is why I chose Keiser.“

Khadeem McIntoshStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Clarendon,Jamaica
Class: Graduate School Class of 2025
Masters Industrial & Organizational Psychology

“Opportunities are meant to be taken; I will make use of my time here at KU."

Fun Fact - Favorite Sport is Soccer & The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

Lauren Riley Student Ambassador

Hometown: Staffordshire, England
Class: Class of 2026
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree Interdisciplinary Studies: Exercise and Sport Science

“Amazing experience here, It has fantastic sports teams, a great location and the best people!" Fun fact: I have lived in 3 different countries

Brynja PalmadottirStudent Ambassador

Hometown: Gardur, Iceland
Class: Graduate School Class of 2026

“I graduated from KU with honors in Business Administration. "

Fun Fact - I Play Soccer and reached the semifinals of the Costa Blanca Cup in Spain

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